Because Blocklive events are onchain smart contracts, they can only be edited or published by contract "owners", which are wallets that have signing authority. Owners act ask 1/1 signer of the event multi-sig contract, with specific permissioned rights that can be added or removed. There are three kinds of owner permissions available:
Deployer: This is wallet that first publishes ("deploys") and event. It cannot be changed after deployment and will register as the deployer on 3rd party NFT marketplaces and applications like OpenSea. If the event is created with Blocklive points, "Blocklive deployer" will be used by default as the deploying account. Deployers can
Changes: Owners with the "Changes" permission enabled are can publish changes made to onchain event parameters such as ticket prices, token gates, and promo codes. Owners with the "Changes" permission engaged also have the right add other owners with the "Changes" permission.
Withdrawal: Owners with the "Withdrawal" permission can withdraw funds from the event contract. Because this is a sensitive permission, only owners with the "Withdrawal" permission can grant this permission to other owners. By default the event creator is granted "Withdrawal" permission on the event contract.
Owners with the "Withdrawal" permission have full control over the event contract and the right to withdraw any funds in the event contract into their own self custodial wallet.
Removing the "Blocklive deployer" account as an owner of your event contract will prevent the Blocklive team from helping to manage your event contract or retrieving funds in the case of lost or compromised owner keys.
Last updated
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